Sumber: Teacher Hidayu : DIY Teaching Aids
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Revision Year 3: Headbands of Planets in Solar System
🌺 REVISION YEAR 3 : HEADBAND OF PLANETS IN SOLAR SYSTEM 🌺 As we reached the end of this session, I did a simple worksheet for my pupils. They need to colour and cut this worksheet and paste it accordingly. They need to follow the colour as in the poster given.Colour...
Phonics Module for Year 1
Phonics Module for Year 1 Sumber / Guru: Teacher Hidayu : DIY Teaching Aids Subjek / Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris Tahun / Tingkatan: Tahun 1 🍁 PHONICS MODULE 🍁Are you ready to start the new term? Don't forget to start it with phonic lessons! Feel free to...
Year 3 PDPR Module : Topic 4 Year In Year Out
Year 3 PDPR Module : Topic 4 Year In Year Out
Year 2 PDPR module. Topic 6: The Old House by Teacher Hidayu
Year 2 PDPR module. Topic 6: The Old House Sumber / Guru: Teacher Hidayu : DIY Teaching Aids Subjek / Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris Tahun / Tingkatan: Tahun 2 Feel FREE to download and share! 🙂 #bbmtchrdayu #diybydayu Admin: Boleh right click dan save imej atau...
Year 1 PDPR Module (17th – 27th May) Topic 1: At School.
YEAR 1 PDPR MODULE (17th - 27th May) Sumber / Guru: Teacher Hidayu : DIY Teaching Aids Subjek / Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris Tahun / Tingkatan:Tahun 1 P/s : The last two pictures are the samples of finger puppets for your reference. Feel free to download and share!...
Himpunan Lagu-Lagu Negeri Di Malaysia
Jom kita pelajari lagu-lagu negeri di Malaysia sambil mewarna. Terima kasih Teacher Hidayu share bahan ini dengan kami ya.
Kalendar Comel 2021 dengan Quote
Today we would like to share these awesome cute calenders for 2021. Thank you Teacher Hidayu for sharing them with us. PDF file available for download below the post.
Modul Transisi Tahun 1 Sesi 2021
Wah, harini kami dapat bahan Modul Transisi tahun 1 bagi 2021! Terima Kasih Teacher Hidayu kongsi bahan ini dengan kami ya.
Let’s Start Counting The Sushi
Do your kid’s like to eat Sushi? If they do, then theses exercises will surely be so much fun!
Let’s Have Fun With Rocket Coloring
Wah malam ini kita ada bahan untuk mewarna. Yeay, let us have fun coloring rockets! Terima kasih Teacher Hidayu kongsi bahan ini dengan kami.