Adverb of Frequency: Let’s Explore How Words Show Time


🌎 Hello little ones! Today, Admin Azlin wants to share new educational and learning materials (PdP) for you. Let's learn together! 🚀


Let’s Talk About “How Often” with Madam Nagiha!

Hello, super learners! 🌟 Admin Azlin is so happy to share a wonderful English adventure with you, led by our dear friend, Madam Nagiha. Today, we’re diving into a cool topic—something called “Adverbs of Frequency.” Don’t worry, it’s just a fancy way of saying words that tell us how often things happen.


Easy-Peasy Notes on “How Often” Words

Madam Nagiha’s notes are like treasure maps for learning! Let’s look at what she has for us in simple words:


Year 3 Module 2: Words like “Always,” “Sometimes,” and “Never”

In Year 3, we learn cool words like “Always” (all the time), “Sometimes” (now and then), and “Never” (not at all). It’s like a little secret code for talking about time!


Year 4 Module 1: Adding “Usually” to our Word Collection

In Year 4, we’re adding a new word— “Usually” (most of the time). It’s like saying, “Hey, this happens a lot!” Madam Nagiha shows us with simple examples and asks us questions to practice.


Year 5 Unit 2: Saying “Often” for More Fun Talk!

Now in Year 5, we’re stepping up our game with “Often” (a lot). Madam Nagiha’s notes keep it easy with a little explanation, some examples, and questions to make sure we get it.


Let’s Play and Learn with Madam Nagiha!

Madam Nagiha wants us to have fun while we learn. Check this out:


Easy Examples and Questions:

Want to see how these words work? Madam Nagiha has simple examples and fun questions for us to try. It’s like playing a game and learning at the same time!


Please click on the image to start manual slides or to view the full image:

Colourful pinky blink-blink version:

Black & White Version

Cheers to Madam Nagiha and Easy English Learning!

So, my awesome students, Madam Nagiha’s “Adverbs of Frequency” notes are like a superpower for your English skills. Go ahead, explore, and have fun with #EasyEnglishWithMadamNagiha!”

Happy learning, super language explorers! 📚✨

Available also here:


You can download the compilation of images in PDF format below:


You can download the compilation of images in PDF format below:

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📖 Dictionary



Adverb of frequency



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🌎 Hello little ones! Today, Admin Azlin wants to share new educational and learning materials (PdP) for you. Let's learn together! 🚀 Hello, young learners! Today, we have an exciting resource to share with you. Our friend, Madam Nagiha, has created a fantastic...






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April 2024
